Friday, September 30, 2011

Coop da' Villa

Back in the spring the grandkids (mostly mine) begged and pleaded with my parents to get chickens. For some reason they agreed and so off to D&B supply they went. They came home with 14 baby chicks and placed them in their new home. A cardboard box. Little by little the chicks grew and needed a new home. My dad decided he would build his own coop by watching U-tube videos and the end result was a chicken penthouse! The coop is amazing with 2 doors, windows, a row of nesting boxes accessible from the outside and roosting bars. He graciously allowed the grandkids to come and "help" with the painting.

Cute little chicks in a box

Makayla is lifting the door to the nesting row where you can get the eggs.

Looking through the coop.

The holding pen.

Painting the penthouse

G-pa with his helpers

Cost of baby chicks- $20
Cost of Coop da' Villa- $$$$
G-pa's adventures-Priceless!!

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